utorok - 11. marca, 2025
, Speváčka Pink zrušila už dva koncerty. Čo je za tým?

Speváčka Pink zrušila už dva koncerty. Čo je za tým?

Speváčka Pink musela v pondelok zrušiť koncert v austrálskom Sydney po tom, ako ju prijali do miestnej nemocnice. V rámci jej aktuálneho turné ide už o druhý zrušený koncert.

Po prvom odvolanom vystúpení odohrala údajne značne unavená jeden koncert, no deň po ňom ju dehydrovanú prijali do nemocnice. Začiatkom týždňa ju hospitalizovali s vírusovým žalúdočným ochorením. Podľa agentúry Live Nation bude v nemocnici pokračovať v liečbe a v zotavovaní. Za zrušené koncerty u protinožcov však hľadajú náhradné termíny.

Pohotoví paparazzi si, samozrejme, nenechali ujsť príležitosť a po zrušenom koncerte nafotili speváčku na pláži aj s jej dcérkou. Bulvárne médiá tak šírili špekulácie, ako si interpretka s „infekciou dýchacích ciest“ užíva na pláži. Pink to však okamžite dementovala a vo svojom príspevku na Instagrame sa vyjadrila, že fotografi neukázali všetko, a to, ako sa o jej dcérku na pláži starali jej priatelia, kým ona oddychovala a taktiež neukázali, jej dve návštevy u doktora, antibiotiká, sprej do nosa, do hrdla atď. „Nikdy som sa len tak…bez rešpektu…nevykašľala na ľudí, ktorí minuli svoje zarobené peniaze, aby videli môj koncert“ dodala speváčka. Pink teda držíme palce, aby sa uzdravila a opäť v pohode cupkala na pódiách.


I don’t need to clear this up, but out of respect for my fans I will attempt it. I scheduled this tour meticulously, trying to do what was best for my children, while also putting on the best and most physically demanding and beautiful show of my life. This break in Byron has been scheduled since 2017, as a way to get outside the hotel and the winter and have some time with my children. I’ve already been sick twice (kids as well)on this Australian tour, but the first time we got sick, I was able to push through. This time, what these parasite paparazzi don’t show you, is two doctor visits in Byron on two consecutive days, antibiotics, steroids, Vick’s, nose spray, throat spray, more steroids, NyQuil, a screaming baby in the middle of the night, every night, while mama gives him warm baths and tells her daughter everything is fine. You can think whatever you want, it’s your right, but I have never taken advantage of any one in my entire life. I have never fucked off while disrespecting hard working people who spend money to come see me play. I have never phoned in a single tour, I have an impeccable record for not cancelling. I mother with everything I have whilst handling all the rest. The snark in this is unbelievable and makes me long for a nicer world. I’m doing the absolute best I can, and you can believe it or not. What they don’t show you in this picture is me drinking water and lying down while my friends try to entertain my 7 year old who is asking me why these creepy men are surrounding us and pacing back and forth and taking pictures of her every move. I will see everyone tomorrow whether I’m better or not, and the postponed show will be rescheduled. As I said, I’m sorry to the real fans who this situation has affected. Onwards and upwards.

A post shared by P!NK (@pink) on

Zdroj: cnn.com, instagram, dailymail.co.uk

Autor: Rádio Rebeca

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